Slow And Steady Wins The Race! Find Out How BoCo Trainers Stick to New Year’s Resolutions

Setting New Year’s resolutions for yourself is easy, but sticking to them long-term is anything but. We’ve all seen gyms become overcrowded in January, only to trickle back down to normal a few short weeks later. How do we solve this problem?
BoCo trainers, Mahri, Lauren and Nicole, have become experts in resolutions.  They have seen what works and what doesn’t for themselves and their clients, and we’ve asked them to share their secrets here on how to make resolutions and keep them long-term!
Mahri serious
What’s your resolution? My biggest resolution is to listen to my gut and to be as true to what I hear as possible.
What steps do you plan to take to achieve this? I plan to take as much time as possible really thinking about what’s good for me personally and what really inspires me about Body Conceptions.
What advice to you have for sticking to resolutions long-term? It’s extremely important to choose resolutions that are achievable for you. I would also recommend setting things up in your life that help you succeed. This might include rewarding yourself for staying focused, telling your friends what you are hoping to achieve, and breaking down your goals into as small, achievable parts as possible. Also recognize the things in your life that have a tendency to derail you.
What’s your resolution? This year I am aiming to be a little more self-assured and less self-critical. A lot of us, and many times women in particular, are so judgmental of ourselves but yet can be wonderfully encouraging and supportive of the people we love. My goal is to direct some of that kindness and compassion inwards.
What steps do you plan to take to achieve this?  The biggest thing for me will be reminding myself that I don’t have to be perfect. I also need to allow myself to say no to (or potentially disappoint) other people if it means giving myself needed “me time” to either do something I’m passionate about or to rest and recharge. Those little nagging voices in our own heads tend to disappear when we are rested and have created space for the things, and people, we love.
What advice do you have for sticking to resolutions long-term?  I think the best way to sick to a resolution long-term is start to with one goal at a time. Once you’ve conquered that one you can then move on to the next. Don’t overwhelm yourself with trying to accomplish too many things at once.
Did you have a resolution that you achieved in 2015?  Last year I challenged myself to eat vegan or vegetarian 4-5 days a week.
How did you achieve this? For me the key was going shopping at the beginning of the week and cooking at home. When I have food in the fridge I’m less likely to order out. Which is especially helpful after my long days when I’m more prone to ordering a burger and fries than walking to the grocery store to buy some fresh veggies. I still love my splurges but my body has been very happy getting a more plant-based diet. I plan on trying to stick to that regimen this year too.
What are your resolutions? My biggest resolution this year is to gain more perspective and try to focus on the big picture. I find that sometimes I sweat the small stuff too frequently and occasionally let little hiccups and bumps in the road upset me more than they should. Other resolutions I have are to schedule more “me” time, and to stay in better touch with old friends!
What steps do you plan to take to achieve them? My first resolution is all about just keeping peace of mind and trying to view life with less stress. I think it’s important to always have something to look forward to and channel your energy towards when things go less-than-perfectly or not as you planned. I also plan to go to one hot yoga class a week for more “me” time, and to reach out to a different old friend every weekend to catch up!
What advice to you have for sticking to resolutions long-term? Finding a sustainable schedule for your resolutions is KEY! So often we go all out when we set our minds to something, then we crash and burn or get sick of it. Taking a more gradual and practical approach is so important to maintaining a balanced life (and sanity!) as we strive for self-improvement.  I think having physical reminders are very effective – whether it’s a note on your refrigerator that reminds you to do something every time you walk past it, or an hour blocked off in your calendar devoted to your resolution.  Seeing something concrete helps to keep you motivated and prevents you from finding excuses!
Did you have any resolutions that you achieved in 2015? My resolutions last year were to expand my dance and fitness careers! I definitely reached this goal over the course of 2015.
How did you achieve these? I expanded my dance and fitness career by really putting myself out there. I was constantly applying to different jobs and gigs and attending auditions while keeping myself in shape and learning from professionals in the field. Eventually, some of my submissions turned into several jobs and amazing opportunities and experiences!