Slow And Steady Wins The Race! Find Out How BoCo Trainers Stick to New Year’s Resolutions

How Do I Get the Most Out of Private Training?
When you decide to start private training, you can – and should – spend a lot of time seeking out the fitness method and the trainer that work best for you. Admittedly, these are big decisions and shouldn’t be taken lightly. There are a lot of factors that go into determining what kind of training method and training style work best for you. In the end, it’s all about finding the right personal fit regardless of what friends or popular media tell you to do.
But what if you’ve found what you’re looking for? What if you’ve chosen the right method and the right trainer? Is your work finished? What could possibly go wrong?
There’s no secret that the effort you put into your training leads to the results you see. Ok fine. But can you heighten those results even more? How can you get the most out of your trainer and the most out of each session? Are there questions or preparations you should consider? Or should you just show up and see what your trainer can do for you?
The tips I am providing here are based on my own experiences working with a range of great clients over the years. I definitely notice that there are ways my clients can get the best out of me, and I think it’s important to explore how and why this can happen.
So how can I make my training sessions more efficient and effective?
Here goes…
1) Start with an open mind. It’s very possible that you’ve had other trainers in your life. You may have focused on certain things with those trainers that worked for you at the time. Our bodies, life stages, and needs change over the years, and it’s possible that your next trainer will have a perspective and approach that’s completely new to you. Try to embrace this and see how your body feels with your new workouts. Never be afraid to stop training if it doesn’t work for you — but being completely open to someone and something new could be an amazing experience for you.
2) Ask questions. Getting to the bottom of your trainer’s philosophy will help you understand why he or she has created your program. These questions might also help you understand the philosophy behind the workout and how the muscles are being targeted. The answers you hear might change the way you approach your sessions, and they might even help you pay more attention to the way your body is responding.
3) Think about your energy. It’s amazing how the energy I receive from a client feeds the energy I put back into a session. Even without realizing it, I can move in less energetic or inspired ways with someone who is dragging. As a trainer, I totally understand that we all have those days, but try approaching your sessions with more energy and see how you it changes your experience. You attitude will make such a difference, and your trainer will also relate to you surprisingly differently.
4) Speak up! Your trainer can’t read your mind. Always tell your trainer when you feel any kind of sharp pain or when you experience anything that alarms you. Also be sure to give your trainer feedback on the exercises that don’t suit your body (and also on the exercises you love). Your trainer needs to learn over time what to avoid and also what to emphasize with you to get the best results.
5) Let your trainer be the expert. Once you are vocal about the kinds of exercises that don’t feel right for your body, also try to recognize that your trainer is there to push you beyond your limits. We all know how hard it is to go to the gym and motivate ourselves. Let your trainer be that motivating voice – and also the expert on what will change your body.
6) With time, don’t be afraid to ask for something new. You can get very comfortable with your trainer. Your body can start getting too used to your weekly workouts, and your results can plateau. You need to shake things up and surprise your muscles (and your mind!). Don’t be afraid to ask for new things from your trainer, and be specific about the new goals you’re hoping to achieve. I believe that variety is key, and I love being challenged by the changing needs and requests of my clients. Change can breathe new life into your sessions and lead to some surprising new results.
At the end of the day, private training is your opportunity to get amazing, individualized fitness attention. Know that you have every right to ask for what you need, and also know that you are asking an expert to come to you and do what he or she does best.
Private training has been my favorite part of my business, and I am grateful for the wonderful connections and lifelong friends I have made. I also want to continue growing and improving, and it’s the feedback I’ve gotten from my clients – both in and out of our sessions together – that has helped me do so. Never underestimate the roll you play in your private training relationship!
This entry also appeared on this week. I am honored to be a guest blogger for their site and to be part of a national Mommy conversation.
I think you’ll find that many of these tips for making fitness happen as a mom also ring true for busy women of all ages and family situations who are struggling to find time in their lives to engage in fitness. I learned many of these tips from my clients, and I’m hoping they show you that there are many ways to make fitness work and to make it something that you can do – and love – regularly.
As a trainer specializing in pre- and postnatal fitness, I have heard these questions many times:
“I WANT to get back in shape, but how can I possibly make it happen with my new baby? How can I possibly find the time??”
Many new moms know that exercising will help them regain their pre-baby strength and tone…and possibly sanity! It will certainly help them boost their mood and give them much-needed personal time.
Photo by Mike Baird
Exercise is vital – but can new mothers possibly make it happen?
I have observed mothers who have managed to balance exercise and motherhood pretty well. Here are some tips based on these observations. And frankly, ALL busy women can benefit from knowing the secrets to making fitness work in their crazy lives!
1) Go with friends. Scheduling classes with your friends can help give you the motivation you need to get out of the house. Especially if you’re the kind of person who likes to please or take care of others, you will not want to cancel and let your friends down.
2) Make big Sunday dinners with leftovers you can eat before you head to class. If evening meal preparation time is deterring you from giving yourself time to exercise, having leftovers available can be a great time-saving solution.
3) Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Do you have friends or relatives close by who can watch your baby? Ask them! Chances are they will cherish the opportunity, and you’ll be refreshed by having that time for yourself. (Just an hour away may be all you need!)
4) Lacking energy and motivation? Make a playlist of your favorite music. Music can be so energizing. Playing your favorite music when your motivation is starting to fade can turn everything around and make you feel like you NEED to move and sweat!
5) Lay out your exercise clothing the night before – Or wear them to bed! Deterred from morning exercise by the effort to get ready in the morning in addition your baby’s morning feeding, diapering and entertaining? Make it easier for yourself. If you’re already wearing your exercise outfit, you are literally 5 minutes away from being ready to go!!
6) Hire a trainer. This is a luxury, but it’s an investment in yourself that could make all the difference. A trainer saves time by coming to your home and working around your schedule, and he or she will tailor the workout to your needs. On top of that, you may not even need someone to watch your baby during your workout. I use music in my sessions, and I find that my music puts babies to sleep – an added bonus!! If an ongoing trainer seems like too much of a luxury, allocate a set number of sessions to get yourself on track and learn some great exercises you can continue on your own.
7) Give yourself credit. That sticker chart you are using to encourage your child…make one for mommy! Finding the time for fitness is a huge accomplishment and you deserve a pat on the back. Never forget how much you do every day and give yourself the credit you deserve. Perhaps all those gold stars should result in a spa day reward? Yes?
Photo by Bob Whitehead