
My 10 Favorite Things


My 10 Favorite Things

Over the years, I’ve been asked a lot what products I use, clothes I wear, services I recommend, among other things. I definitely have my preferences, and it gives me pleasure to share them.

Of course, not everyone will love the same things I do, and different lifestyles lend themselves to different needs. But I feel passionately about some of these picks – and it would be fun to be able to introduce them for the first time to some of you as well!

So here goes!


1) My Lole Nina Bag – Everyone who really knows me knows how much I carry with me. I live far from the center of NYC and have to pack everything with me for the whole day. All of this means I need to find the perfect bag! The Nina bag has SOO many pockets, attachments, and little pouches. I feel like I can organize everything and find them easily. And the bag is lightweight, too. So I can carry my whole life around without breaking my back :)


2) My Icy 2 Lole Vest – This is a piece of clothing I have used religiously through all seasons. It has especially saved me during these cold winter days when layering has become essential. The Icy 2 is lightweight, warm, and so cute (like many of their clothes). Although the Icy 2 model is not available this season, check out the Penelope (shown here), which is also a great vest for helping you transition through changing temperatures. I suggest checking out all of Lole’s stuff online – and look out for a brick and mortar store opening soon in NYC!!


3) Kinara Reparative Nutrient Serum – I was introduced to this product pretty recently by a beauty editor insider. I noticed immediately how smooth it made my skin feel, but the coolest part was how many friends told me my skin looked great. They even told me I look rested (which happened to be completely wrong! Ha!). I think this Kinara product will become one of my beauty staples.


4) Juice Press Sin-a-Buns – I am honestly a healthy eater and huge lover of foods like kale, spinach, chia, acai, and avocado among so many others. But I also suffer from a sweet tooth and always look for ways to satisfy my craving while staying healthy. Sin-a-Buns from Juice Press are not a substitute for kale by any means, but they have become a new obsession of mine. Made from dates, buckwheat, flaxseed, coconut, and Irish moss (among a few other things), they taste almost like real cinnamon buns, they keep me satisfied, and they’re surprisingly low-calorie. Yup, totally hooked!


5) Post-Workout Cream/Mio’s Workout Wonder – I just learned about Mio’s skin fitness line during the Sweaty Saturday events in New York City last month. Brooke, the lovely Mio rep, slathered Workout Wonder on my legs before teaching a Sweaty Saturday class, and she told me my legs would feel better post-workout. She was right! This product contains healing and inflammation-fighting ingredients like arnica, magnesium, and horse chestnut… And it smells good, too!


6) Hair Color with Michaela Murray – I was first introduced to Michaela during the days when I worked for Tracy Anderson. She colored hair for many of the trainers, and I was amazed at how beautiful and natural my hair looked after her expert balayage highlighting and intuitive color choices. Michaela works at the Plaza Hotel, but she also opened a salon in West Springfield, MA called, Wicked Salon. Check her out there – or book her when she comes to New York every once in a while. (Just leave a slot open for me!!)


7) Consignment Shop/In My Travels – I had to be careful how much I spent on clothing when I was a musical theater performer for so many years in NYC. You can imagine how excited I felt when I discovered this gem of a consignment shop in Chatham on Cape Cod, In My Travels. Janice Kurlychek, the owner, has somehow connected with some of the most well-dressed women around, and she literally provided (and continues to provide) me with my favorite wardrobe pieces to this day. I held parties with my friends in her store, and we would regularly walk out with gorgeous pieces by Prada, Armani, Betsey Johnson, Free People, and Theory at fractions of the original price. Please look her up the next time you head to Chatham, MA. And tell her I sent you!


8) Networking and Business Matchmaking Guru: Allegra Cohen – I first got to know Allegra through my business manager, Deborah, and I immediately noticed how dynamic, sharp, and warm she was. I have since become close friends with Allegra, but I can’t do a list like this without talking about how great she is at promoting and connecting businesses and professionals– and also raising money. She is the person to contact if you want to grow your business and connect with the folks who will help you realize your goals!


9) Priori CoffeeBerry Perfecting Foundation – I have not used this product for very long but I’m already a convert! Diana Seo of B Spa Bar introduced me to the Priori brand, and I’ve been excited about using Priori products ever since. The foundation is particularly great for me because it covers what I need to cover without any clumping or caking. And it contains anti-aging properties that improve my skin while I’m running around (and sweating!) all day.


10) Bite Lipstick – So…I was walking down Prince Street in Soho last month and happened upon the Bite Beauty Lip Lab. My dream come true! I love lipstick, but I always have trouble finding the shade that works best for me. Enter this cute little gem of a store in which a makeup artist helps you blend the perfect shade for you using their custom all-natural ingredients. You can choose how matte or glossy the texture is, and you can also choose the scent of your lipstick and the shape of the container it’s in! I walked out with a shade I wear almost every day. Score!


Please contact me if you have questions about any of these items – and feel free to share some of your favorites as well.  After all, that’s how I learned about many of these favorites in the first place!


Snow – Again??

snow close-up

Photo by Kate Mereand-Sinha

I saw the forecast the other day…More Snow!!  Seriously?? 

I used to covet snow since it always meant that school was cancelled when I lived on Cape Cod.  Living in such a rural place, the snow created a kind of wonderland in which I loved to play.  And it also meant movies and hot chocolate and all those cozy traditions that went with not going to school and having time to hang with my family.

I’m an adult now… and New York snow feels different.  Especially this year.  I think many of us find it hard to get out of our apartments if it’s not absolutely necessary, and it’s hard to find joy amid the slush and dirty snow piles.

Seasonal Affective Disorder is a real thing for many people.  Even if we don’t suffer on a clinical scale, so many of us can experience frustration, sadness, and even hopelessness on a spectrum in winters like these.  I work with lots of people every day, and I share the winter struggle with so many of my clients.  What can we do about it?? How can we remain healthy and active when we don’t feel like going outside?  And what can we do for ourselves to get through this winter with sanity and positivity??

snowing - city view

Photo by Iryna Yeroshko

Getting Through This Winter Strong, Healthy and Happy

I have found some things that have worked for me, for my friends, and for my clients.  The key is to find what works best for you.  Most importantly, make the effort.  Get yourself out there. Try some of these tips.  It’s worth it – I promise!!

1) Get a light box.  Since depression can arise from a lack of exposure to sunlight, many people find that light boxes (which mimic outdoor light) help them get the boost they’re not getting during dark winter days.  Most people find that a minimum of 30 minutes of exposure each morning makes a real difference and lifts their mood throughout the day.

2)  Cut back on sugar. In many ways, I’m writing this tip to myself – but I know so many people struggle from poor eating habits during the winter.  We turn to unhealthy comfort foods when we feel down, and our bodies may be unconsciously trying to give us extra protection and padding against the cold.  Unfortunately, too much intake of ingredients like sugar can make depression worse, make us feel lethargic, and fuel the desire to have more.

3) Plan ahead.  Spontaneity can be fun, but sometimes when we avoid planning we let our emotions run our decision-making in the moment.  Planning ahead allows you to “promise yourself”  that you’ll accomplish certain goals during the week when you’re thinking clearly and practically.  Make your workout schedule at the beginning of the week, and really try to stick to it (even if you would rather cancel in the moment).  You will thank yourself for your dedication.  And you’ll feel better afterwards, I promise!!

4) Forgive yourself.  We all have bad days, and this winter has been particularly hard.  Don’t beat yourself up if you find yourself slipping into bad habits.  Acknowledge they happened, think about how you might have done things differently, and move on.  Everyone is human, and there is no need to wallow.  You have plenty of chances to get re-focused and try again.

5) Try something new.  Want to find new inspiration?  Think of one thing you’ve always wanted to try, and go for it.  Maybe it’s that instructor you’ve heard so much about.  Or that new yoga class in your neighborhood.  Go ahead and put yourself in a new setting, and you may find that you’ve found something you want to start incorporating into your life.  The change will refresh you.

Good luck!  Spring is around the corner.  And there’s no way it won’t be one of the most beautiful and welcomed springs we’ve had in years.

Tips for Hanging in There


It’s that time of year!

So many of us get caught in the holiday madness – which often means holiday party after holiday party on top of last-minute work deadlines, children with big holiday events, extended family commitments, a winter cold or flu, and seemingly no time for ourselves!

How do we possibly keep up our exercise routine right now?

Here are a few tips designed to make exercise a little easier to add to your life without stress.  In fact, if done right, your exercise routine should be one of your biggest stress reducers and protections against holiday pitfalls.

Tip #1:  Schedule It!

Schedule your fitness sessions at the beginning of the  week.  This way they’re set. You have made a personal promise to yourself to keep your schedule, and you’ll be more apt to schedule everything else in your life around it.  You also won’t be as tempted to skip exercise if you see it as an essential part of your week rather than an “optional” bonus.

Tip #2: Go with Friends

Recruit friends to come to your classes or gym sessions with you – and make those plans in advance. You won’t be as tempted to bow out, you’ll have more fun, and maybe you’ll start a healthy routine you can keep with your group.  You can laugh together about your crazy instructor – or share your soreness woes the next day!

Tip #3:  Choose Fun Over Pain

Many of us love an  intense workout (I do!), but try looking for classes  that are truly fun and enjoyable as well.  You don’t want to start something now that ultimately feels too hard to keep up. Fitness should be part of a lifestyle that makes you happy and that gives you a healthy outlet for letting off steam. Plus, you don’t want to get injuries that prevent you from coming back. Find something you really love so that you’ll truly want to stick with it.

Tip #4:  Get a Great Outfit

Ok, I know – this sounds pretty superficial.  But honestly, you will work out with so much more energy and passion if you feel beautiful in your clothes.  You will see a side of yourself that will motivate you to keep coming and feeling good.  And the exercise in turn will make your clothing look and feel better. Plus new clothing can be a great incentive for rewarding the hard work you have put into your body and your spirit.  This is a gift-giving time, and you need gifts sometimes, too!