How Do I Make Fitness Happen as a Mom – and a Busy Woman?

This entry also appeared on this week.  I am honored to be a guest blogger for their site and to be part of a national Mommy conversation.

I think you’ll find that many of these tips for making fitness happen as a mom also ring true for busy women of all ages and family situations who are struggling to find time in their lives to engage in fitness.  I learned many of these tips from my clients, and I’m hoping they show you that there are many ways to make fitness work and to make it something that you can do – and love – regularly.



As a trainer specializing in pre- and postnatal fitness, I have heard these questions many times:

“I WANT to get back in shape, but how can I possibly make it happen with my new baby? How can I possibly find the time??” 

Many new moms know that exercising will help them regain their pre-baby strength and tone…and possibly sanity!  It will certainly help them boost their mood and give them much-needed personal time.


Photo by Mike Baird

Exercise is vital – but can new mothers possibly make it happen?

I have observed mothers who have managed to balance exercise and motherhood pretty well. Here are some tips based on these observations. And frankly, ALL busy women can benefit from knowing the secrets to making fitness work in their crazy lives!

1) Go with friends. Scheduling classes with your friends can help give you the motivation you need to get out of the house. Especially if you’re the kind of person who likes to please or take care of others, you will not want to cancel and let your friends down.

2) Make big Sunday dinners with leftovers you can eat before you head to classIf evening meal preparation time is deterring you from giving yourself time to exercise, having leftovers available can be a great time-saving solution.

3) Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Do you have friends or relatives close by who can watch your baby? Ask them! Chances are they will cherish the opportunity, and you’ll be refreshed by having that time for yourself. (Just an hour away may be all you need!)

4) Lacking energy and motivation?  Make a playlist of your favorite music. Music can be so energizing. Playing your favorite music when your motivation is starting to fade can turn everything around and make you feel like you NEED to move and sweat!

5) Lay out your exercise clothing the night before – Or wear them to bed! Deterred from morning exercise by the effort to get ready in the morning in addition your baby’s morning feeding, diapering and entertaining? Make it easier for yourself. If you’re already wearing your exercise outfit, you are literally 5 minutes away from being ready to go!!

6) Hire a trainer. This is a luxury, but it’s an investment in yourself that could make all the difference. A trainer saves time by coming to your home and working around your schedule, and he or she will tailor the workout to your needs. On top of that, you may not even need someone to watch your baby during your workout. I use music in my sessions, and I find that my music puts babies to sleep – an added bonus!!  If an ongoing trainer seems like too much of a luxury, allocate a set number of sessions to get yourself on track and learn some great exercises you can continue on your own.

7) Give yourself credit. That sticker chart you are using to encourage your child…make one for mommy! Finding the time for fitness is a huge accomplishment and you deserve a pat on the back. Never forget how much you do every day and give yourself the credit you deserve. Perhaps all those gold stars should result in a spa day reward? Yes?


Photo by Bob Whitehead

Snow – Again??

snow close-up

Photo by Kate Mereand-Sinha

I saw the forecast the other day…More Snow!!  Seriously?? 

I used to covet snow since it always meant that school was cancelled when I lived on Cape Cod.  Living in such a rural place, the snow created a kind of wonderland in which I loved to play.  And it also meant movies and hot chocolate and all those cozy traditions that went with not going to school and having time to hang with my family.

I’m an adult now… and New York snow feels different.  Especially this year.  I think many of us find it hard to get out of our apartments if it’s not absolutely necessary, and it’s hard to find joy amid the slush and dirty snow piles.

Seasonal Affective Disorder is a real thing for many people.  Even if we don’t suffer on a clinical scale, so many of us can experience frustration, sadness, and even hopelessness on a spectrum in winters like these.  I work with lots of people every day, and I share the winter struggle with so many of my clients.  What can we do about it?? How can we remain healthy and active when we don’t feel like going outside?  And what can we do for ourselves to get through this winter with sanity and positivity??

snowing - city view

Photo by Iryna Yeroshko

Getting Through This Winter Strong, Healthy and Happy

I have found some things that have worked for me, for my friends, and for my clients.  The key is to find what works best for you.  Most importantly, make the effort.  Get yourself out there. Try some of these tips.  It’s worth it – I promise!!

1) Get a light box.  Since depression can arise from a lack of exposure to sunlight, many people find that light boxes (which mimic outdoor light) help them get the boost they’re not getting during dark winter days.  Most people find that a minimum of 30 minutes of exposure each morning makes a real difference and lifts their mood throughout the day.

2)  Cut back on sugar. In many ways, I’m writing this tip to myself – but I know so many people struggle from poor eating habits during the winter.  We turn to unhealthy comfort foods when we feel down, and our bodies may be unconsciously trying to give us extra protection and padding against the cold.  Unfortunately, too much intake of ingredients like sugar can make depression worse, make us feel lethargic, and fuel the desire to have more.

3) Plan ahead.  Spontaneity can be fun, but sometimes when we avoid planning we let our emotions run our decision-making in the moment.  Planning ahead allows you to “promise yourself”  that you’ll accomplish certain goals during the week when you’re thinking clearly and practically.  Make your workout schedule at the beginning of the week, and really try to stick to it (even if you would rather cancel in the moment).  You will thank yourself for your dedication.  And you’ll feel better afterwards, I promise!!

4) Forgive yourself.  We all have bad days, and this winter has been particularly hard.  Don’t beat yourself up if you find yourself slipping into bad habits.  Acknowledge they happened, think about how you might have done things differently, and move on.  Everyone is human, and there is no need to wallow.  You have plenty of chances to get re-focused and try again.

5) Try something new.  Want to find new inspiration?  Think of one thing you’ve always wanted to try, and go for it.  Maybe it’s that instructor you’ve heard so much about.  Or that new yoga class in your neighborhood.  Go ahead and put yourself in a new setting, and you may find that you’ve found something you want to start incorporating into your life.  The change will refresh you.

Good luck!  Spring is around the corner.  And there’s no way it won’t be one of the most beautiful and welcomed springs we’ve had in years.

“But What If I Can’t Dance??”


“But What If I Can’t Dance??”

I get asked that question all the time. Many people who hear that Body Conceptions is a “dance-based” fitness class immediately worry that they’ll be walking into a room full of skinny dancer girls who spend the next hour twirling, leaping, and kicking their faces with perfect dance form.

Nope – that’s not us at all! For us, the concept of connecting our fitness approach with dance means that we are using some of the same principles dancers use – like connecting the core with the movement, finding length through the muscles, and paying close attention to posture and lift in the body . Using these principles often leads to the creation of a physique that resembles a dancer. But, heck no – No one in the room needs to know even a tiny bit of dance to be successful!

So How Should I Approach a Body Conceptions Class if I Think I’m Uncoordinated?

First of all, don’t worry! Most people coming to a new class feel a little anxious. We have compiled a few tips for you, though, to help you have the best experience the first time you come to our class:

1) Arrive early. Give yourself enough time to get a lay of the land, claim your space in the room, and talk to the instructor about the workout. We are extremely concerned about helping everyone experience their first class in the best way possible, so please don’t ever worry about talking to us or asking questions before everything starts!

2) Tell us if you have any injuries or special conditions that could affect your workout. First of all, we want our class to make you feel strong, healthy, and safe. We can’t give you modifications or suggestions during the class unless you let us know what you need. Believe it or not, we can also slightly alter our exercises during the class to accommodate your situation.

3) Get your instructor’s attention during class. We are very concerned about making sure that you do our exercises correctly. We will pay attention to you, but don’t be shy if our direction doesn’t make sense to you or if something feels uncomfortable or incorrect.


4) Don’t be shy about following up. We are here for you, and we also love answering questions about your experience in our classes. We will truly listen to you if you have strong feelings about the class – positive or negative – and we are always looking for ways to be a better company.

5) Keep coming back! It’s amazing how quickly you’ll start feeling comfortable with the movement and see some serious change in your body. We mix things up in our classes all the time, so you won’t get bored or feel like you’ve “seen it all.” And you’ll see that each and every class will challenge you in a different way.

We want to meet and get to know you. Shoot me an email, come try our classes, give me your thoughts. Above all, we want our clients to have the best experience and most effective results. And to feel like every class is a fun and welcoming space.

Tips for Hanging in There


It’s that time of year!

So many of us get caught in the holiday madness – which often means holiday party after holiday party on top of last-minute work deadlines, children with big holiday events, extended family commitments, a winter cold or flu, and seemingly no time for ourselves!

How do we possibly keep up our exercise routine right now?

Here are a few tips designed to make exercise a little easier to add to your life without stress.  In fact, if done right, your exercise routine should be one of your biggest stress reducers and protections against holiday pitfalls.

Tip #1:  Schedule It!

Schedule your fitness sessions at the beginning of the  week.  This way they’re set. You have made a personal promise to yourself to keep your schedule, and you’ll be more apt to schedule everything else in your life around it.  You also won’t be as tempted to skip exercise if you see it as an essential part of your week rather than an “optional” bonus.

Tip #2: Go with Friends

Recruit friends to come to your classes or gym sessions with you – and make those plans in advance. You won’t be as tempted to bow out, you’ll have more fun, and maybe you’ll start a healthy routine you can keep with your group.  You can laugh together about your crazy instructor – or share your soreness woes the next day!

Tip #3:  Choose Fun Over Pain

Many of us love an  intense workout (I do!), but try looking for classes  that are truly fun and enjoyable as well.  You don’t want to start something now that ultimately feels too hard to keep up. Fitness should be part of a lifestyle that makes you happy and that gives you a healthy outlet for letting off steam. Plus, you don’t want to get injuries that prevent you from coming back. Find something you really love so that you’ll truly want to stick with it.

Tip #4:  Get a Great Outfit

Ok, I know – this sounds pretty superficial.  But honestly, you will work out with so much more energy and passion if you feel beautiful in your clothes.  You will see a side of yourself that will motivate you to keep coming and feeling good.  And the exercise in turn will make your clothing look and feel better. Plus new clothing can be a great incentive for rewarding the hard work you have put into your body and your spirit.  This is a gift-giving time, and you need gifts sometimes, too!