“But What If I Can’t Dance??”


“But What If I Can’t Dance??”

I get asked that question all the time. Many people who hear that Body Conceptions is a “dance-based” fitness class immediately worry that they’ll be walking into a room full of skinny dancer girls who spend the next hour twirling, leaping, and kicking their faces with perfect dance form.

Nope – that’s not us at all! For us, the concept of connecting our fitness approach with dance means that we are using some of the same principles dancers use – like connecting the core with the movement, finding length through the muscles, and paying close attention to posture and lift in the body . Using these principles often leads to the creation of a physique that resembles a dancer. But, heck no – No one in the room needs to know even a tiny bit of dance to be successful!

So How Should I Approach a Body Conceptions Class if I Think I’m Uncoordinated?

First of all, don’t worry! Most people coming to a new class feel a little anxious. We have compiled a few tips for you, though, to help you have the best experience the first time you come to our class:

1) Arrive early. Give yourself enough time to get a lay of the land, claim your space in the room, and talk to the instructor about the workout. We are extremely concerned about helping everyone experience their first class in the best way possible, so please don’t ever worry about talking to us or asking questions before everything starts!

2) Tell us if you have any injuries or special conditions that could affect your workout. First of all, we want our class to make you feel strong, healthy, and safe. We can’t give you modifications or suggestions during the class unless you let us know what you need. Believe it or not, we can also slightly alter our exercises during the class to accommodate your situation.

3) Get your instructor’s attention during class. We are very concerned about making sure that you do our exercises correctly. We will pay attention to you, but don’t be shy if our direction doesn’t make sense to you or if something feels uncomfortable or incorrect.


4) Don’t be shy about following up. We are here for you, and we also love answering questions about your experience in our classes. We will truly listen to you if you have strong feelings about the class – positive or negative – and we are always looking for ways to be a better company.

5) Keep coming back! It’s amazing how quickly you’ll start feeling comfortable with the movement and see some serious change in your body. We mix things up in our classes all the time, so you won’t get bored or feel like you’ve “seen it all.” And you’ll see that each and every class will challenge you in a different way.

We want to meet and get to know you. Shoot me an email, come try our classes, give me your thoughts. Above all, we want our clients to have the best experience and most effective results. And to feel like every class is a fun and welcoming space.

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