Entries by bodyconceptions

How Do I Get the Most Out of Private Training?

How Do I Get the Most Out of Private Training? When you decide to start private training, you can – and should – spend a lot of time seeking out the fitness method and the trainer that work best for you. Admittedly, these are big decisions and shouldn’t be taken lightly. There are a lot […]

Maria’s Raw Cauliflower “Couscous” Salad

I have known Maria McEvoy for many years – first as an amazingly fit and head-strong athlete and soon after as a deep, thoughtful, and intelligent friend.  I admire Maria’s balance between focusing on her health and the strength of her body and her ability to enjoy life and connect with those she loves around […]

Should I Do The BoCo Spring Challenge? Yes!!!

So – we’re about to launch our first official BoCo Spring Challenge! I’ve been thinking about fitness challenges a lot these days, and I felt like it was important to talk about their benefits here. After all, when people can take fitness classes and try to get healthy every day, why would they want to […]