Find out the Story Behind Silver Continent – and the Bracelets Made Just for BoCo!!

When Georgia Alexandra of Silver Continent mentioned the possibility of creating a bracelet specifically for Body Conceptions, I was floored. I had met Georgia through a circle of mothers in the city who had built fantastic companies in the wellness, beauty, and fashion industries. Georgia’s jewelry is delicate and sophisticated, and she uses only the finest socially conscious materials and gemstones. I had admired her work on several occasions. And the possibility of having an exclusive piece with BoCo colors thrilled me! Georgia’s Collection Bracelet line is made with silk and lapis beads in the sport version and with additional diamond adornments in the classic version. The BoCo edition features our classic grey and purple colors. These bracelets can be worn day and night in the shower and to bed without taking them off. And most importantly, you can wear them while you exercise!!

I have included my interview with Georgia here for you to get a better sense of how she got to this amazing place in her career. And I have also included shots of Lauren, Allie, and I rocking the bracelets during a fun photo shoot in the park with Kathleen O’Neill. We had a blast that day!

We are now finally offering these Silver Continent Bracelets on our store page! Check them out – and come wear them with us in class!!


Bracelets.four hands

Getting to know Georgia and Silver Continent:

1) Where are you from, and where did you grow up?
Born in NYC, I grew up between New York and Athens, Greece.

2) What led you to become a jewelry designer? Have you always been an artistic person?
From a young age I fell in love with fine arts. In college I pursued graphic design only to move on to visual communications in the field of fashion because using the computer as my ‘instrument’ felt too structured. To create something visually beautiful that carries some kind of information always underlies what I did. Be it creative direction for an editorial photo shoot or painting a piece on commission. When my son was born there was a shift. The freedom to create something tangible sparked joy and fine jewelry was clearly it.


3) Tell us a little about Silver Continent and the pieces you create.
Silver Continent is a fine jewelry collection inspired by my family’s heritage, background and love of travel. I believe it will continue to evolve as we do into a refined vision of my expression. Each piece of Silver Continent Fine Jewelry is created with the highest quality fine gemstones and metals available. Conflict free and sustainable materials speak of the urgency for socially conscious fine goods. It is ever so important to know how something was made as well as where it comes from. The collections are for the most part made up of a limited edition of pieces. In addition, one of a kind fine jewelry is created in collaboration with our clients upon request.


4) You are a mother, right? How do you manage to incorporate fitness and healthy living into your lifestyle? (And is that hard to do sometimes?)
As a mother of two little ones (soon to be 4 & 6 years old) it has become increasingly important to incorporate fitness and healthy living into my every day. A brief early morning meditation followed by a morning workout boost my energy for the day. In all honesty, it was difficult to find the right formula – for me. When the children wake up there is always something I can be doing with them and I don’t want to miss out on that. So for me, that means waking up at 5am and giving myself a two hour window to meditate and exercise and put my full attention on these. Every woman is different, every Mom is different and every family is different. It may take longer for some than others, but there is a balance that can be found that really feels right. I also like to take some time in the evening and come back into balance with meditation.

Bracelets hand and shirt

5) We are so excited that you are curating a piece for Body Conceptions!! I’ve worn mine every day for two months through workouts, showers, and everyday living, and it still looks beautiful. Tell us about your Diamond Collection Bracelet and Necklace!

I love to hear that Mahri! I am thrilled to offer this exclusive piece to Body Conceptions clients! The Collection Bracelet / Necklace was created in essence as a collection of memories we gather during our travels. A short trip upstate or a journey back home to Greece or India. Every time we travel we create these new beautiful memories and almost always bring something back with us. And so, this piece is symbolic of that kind of journey. Also, it is versatile and can be worn simply around the neck as a layering necklace or shorter choker like piece or as a bracelet wrapped around the wrist a few times. Simple, thoughtful, timeless.

Bracelets. Statue laughing

6) Tell us something interesting or different about yourself that people may not realize!
Every woman has many facets. A few of mine include exploring our beautiful planet as a fashion stylist for Vogue in what I now call “my past life” (life before children!), and a deep connection with and love of nature and animals.

Bracelets.All three

7) Did I miss anything?
Cheers to a new collaboration and friendship celebrating health and beauty! Thank you!

Bracelets.Georgia Alexandra Davis portrait March 2015

Purchase your Diamond Collection Pieces for BoCo here.

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