Tips for Hanging in There


It’s that time of year!

So many of us get caught in the holiday madness – which often means holiday party after holiday party on top of last-minute work deadlines, children with big holiday events, extended family commitments, a winter cold or flu, and seemingly no time for ourselves!

How do we possibly keep up our exercise routine right now?

Here are a few tips designed to make exercise a little easier to add to your life without stress.  In fact, if done right, your exercise routine should be one of your biggest stress reducers and protections against holiday pitfalls.

Tip #1:  Schedule It!

Schedule your fitness sessions at the beginning of the  week.  This way they’re set. You have made a personal promise to yourself to keep your schedule, and you’ll be more apt to schedule everything else in your life around it.  You also won’t be as tempted to skip exercise if you see it as an essential part of your week rather than an “optional” bonus.

Tip #2: Go with Friends

Recruit friends to come to your classes or gym sessions with you – and make those plans in advance. You won’t be as tempted to bow out, you’ll have more fun, and maybe you’ll start a healthy routine you can keep with your group.  You can laugh together about your crazy instructor – or share your soreness woes the next day!

Tip #3:  Choose Fun Over Pain

Many of us love an  intense workout (I do!), but try looking for classes  that are truly fun and enjoyable as well.  You don’t want to start something now that ultimately feels too hard to keep up. Fitness should be part of a lifestyle that makes you happy and that gives you a healthy outlet for letting off steam. Plus, you don’t want to get injuries that prevent you from coming back. Find something you really love so that you’ll truly want to stick with it.

Tip #4:  Get a Great Outfit

Ok, I know – this sounds pretty superficial.  But honestly, you will work out with so much more energy and passion if you feel beautiful in your clothes.  You will see a side of yourself that will motivate you to keep coming and feeling good.  And the exercise in turn will make your clothing look and feel better. Plus new clothing can be a great incentive for rewarding the hard work you have put into your body and your spirit.  This is a gift-giving time, and you need gifts sometimes, too!

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