Announcing Our Beautiful, Soulful New Instructor, Cristina Gustaitis

It’s exciting for me to meet people who are aligned with my mission and my values as a fitness owner.  It doesn’t happen as often as I hope, which is why I was so taken by Cristina Gustaitis when she auditioned for us.  I saw immediately how passionate she felt about supporting others.  And she had the same soulful connection with music and dance that I have felt in my own life.

I am excited for you to get to know Cristina a bit here and have the chance to experience her in class as well (check her out on Sunday, April 22nd!).  Clients who work with her will have a strong, talented, and thoughtful trainer who truly cares about them and invests fully in helping them reach their goals.

Welcome, Cristina!  We are lucky to have you :)

~ Mahri


Where did you grow up?  Bloomington, Indiana

What’s your biggest passion?  

Sharing the joy of movement with people, young and old. Movement is life and has taught me so much about myself, the world around me and my relationships. It allows me to express myself freely and explore. If i’m feeling down, it always brings me up! Movement is universal and I hope to continue to share and connect with people through it by helping others discover the physical and emotional benefits of movement as well! 

Tell me about your career. Have you changed directions? If so, why?  

For most of my life, I defined myself as a dancer. In my mind, that meant going to auditions and getting performance jobs. What I quickly realized after a few years of living that life in New York, was that it wasn’t bringing me the fulfillment I thought it would. Instead of going to dance classes because it made me happy, I started going to dance classes because I felt like I had to. I didn’t understand why something that had made me so happy for most of my life was making me so unhappy now. I soon realized that, as a dancer, I didn’t have to put myself into the “Performer” box. I started to explore choreography, teaching, fitness and Yoga and slowly began to let go of the guilt I felt for not “making it” as a performer. Once I started teaching and exploring other forms of movement, I realized that I had this entire body of knowledge from all of my years of studying dance that I wasn’t even tapping into as a performer. I began thinking more about how my dance teachers shaped me as a person rather than just a performer. Currently, I spend my days leaping around with my students in public schools, teaching the importance of classical ballet in dance studios, and now working up a sweat and dancing it out with BoCo clients! I’ve realized that a career doesn’t always mean you find one thing and do only that. I get to be around dance and movement every day in so many different ways and I feel more fulfilled than ever! 

What do you wish you knew when you were younger?

I wish I had known to stop worrying about the future! As long as you work hard and follow what brings you joy, life will unfold the way it is supposed to. It may not look like what you had imagined, but it will be even better because you followed your bliss to get there!

What’s your fitness fashion style?  

Anything versatile that I can workout in but still feel put together while I’m running around NYC! 

What’s the best piece of health/wellness/dance advice you’ve ever gotten? 

My brother once told me to “Do something that truly makes you happy every day, and it will lead you to where you’re supposed to be.”

What’s your guiltiest pleasure?  

I love to bake AND eat lots of buttery, sweet treats!  

What quality do you really cherish about yourself?  

I’ve always considered myself sensitive and often used to think it was a bad quality. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve grown to cherish this quality and realize that it simply means I am thoughtful, grateful and truly appreciate my relationships.

What’s something most people don’t know about you (that’s maybe a little funny or weird)?  

When I was growing up I was obsessed with the Laura Ingalls Wilder ‘Little House on the Prairie’ books and being a Pioneer! I spent days in the woods behind my house wearing a bonnet and acting out stories! I even went to a Pioneer school house summer camp!

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