Moms out there needing exercise, we’ve got you covered! An Interview with Brooklyn Bump

Below is in interview I had with Amelia Freeman of Brooklyn Bump, a community-driven site for Brooklyn moms to connect, share, and learn from one another during the early stages of motherhood.  Brooklyn Bump is filled with incredible resources for moms, so I felt so grateful to featured on her site and share the virtual resources we have been creating for pregnancy and postnatal recovery.  

To see the interview on their site, go here.  Also check out their fantastic resources and follow Brooklyn Bump on Instagram.  They are a great community!!

~ Mahri


Mahri Relin, owner of Body Conceptions, talks to us about her personalized workouts designed to support women through all stages of life. They are at-home training sessions designed specifically for expecting and postnatal moms – fun for both you and baby.

Mahri, you are such a positive energy and have created a wonderful at-home fitness option for so many women to get moving on their own time. How did Body Conceptions come to be and why did you decide to provide remote workouts opposed to the traditional class setting?

Thanks so much, Amelia!   I have done lots of thinking about this question.  I originally started Body Conceptionsbecause I felt like so many women were looking for fitness experiences that felt joyful, motivating, and effective but that also worked for them as individuals.  I am very supportive of other fitness businesses out there, but I felt when I started my company that lots of women felt pressured to come into classes with a high level of fitness from the beginning and that there was a lot of pressure to conform and push their bodies to the limit even when it wasn’t right for them.  

I also recognized that there were times in women’s lives – like pregnancy for example – when they needed extra fitness guidance and support, and there were very few fitness experts out there to help them.

For me, helping people individually and discovering how I can work with them and their specific individual needs is one of the most rewarding experiences in the world.  I love finding out what people need and helping them gain strength and confidence in their bodies and their lives over time. I also love going through fitness experiences with them and seeing the joy and energy on their faces afterwards.  There is nothing better than helping someone feel happier and better about themselves, and thus giving them more tools to help fuel the rest of their lives.  

I love that and can imagine it is a very rewarding feeling!

Tell us about your shift in focus to prenatal/postnatal clients and why it was important to offer in addition to the private training sessions that already existed. 

That’s a great question!  I actually had a prenatal focus even from the beginning, but there were lots of people who came to us for other things too — wedding and event preparation, lifestyle fitness, general health improvement, etc.  We actually still see many of those original clients because people tend to stay with us for a long time, but we started becoming hyper-focused on pre and postnatal exercise in the last 3-4 years. Once I saw that women were not getting the fitness information they needed to get through pregnancy and the postnatal healing process properly, I realized more and more that this needed to be a big role of ours.   

Knowing that knowledge was the key to becoming the best pre and postnatal fitness experts possible, we started diving deeper into the information out there as a company, which often meant getting into PT territory since fitness education can often be too general.  We have also had conversations and taken courses with doctors, psychologists, dietitians, coaches, and integrative practitioners, among others, to get as full a picture as possible about what women need at these crucial times of their lives. We want to know as much as we can, but we also acknowledge the limits of our expertise and refer our clients out to our favorite experts when they need extra support.  We have an AMAZING network!

How do your pre/postnatal workouts differ from others and what can a mom-to-be or new mom expect at their first class?

Our workouts are based on the Body Conceptions method, which is a dance-based cardio and sculpting approach.  This doesn’t mean you have to be a dancer or even remotely coordinated, but we use dance-based principles that focus on alignment, strengthening and lengthening your muscles, and supporting your joints properly during these crucial times.  We also focus heavily on incorporating core work, and we do lots of integrative movement that’s excellent for your mind as well. And it’s all set to great music, so you can’t help but have fun in the process!

Although people don’t realize this in the moment, our method has tons of improvisation built into it. This allows our trainers to be able to shift direction rapidly or accommodate anything specific at the drop of a hat.  Our trainers are also heavily trained in pre and postnatal principles, so they can always accommodate those principles within the workouts depending on the needs of the client. And that part is especially important. We understand that each person and each pregnancy and postnatal recovery process is different.  We focus very intensely on understanding your unique needs as a client and accommodating and supporting those needs so that you can get the most healthy and personalized experience possible with us.

In your first session with us, you can expect tons of questions about your background, special conditions, and anything specific you might be experiencing in connection with your current or recent pregnancy (e.g., diastasis, pelvic issues, back or shoulder pain, etc).  We will do some assessments, and we will also start teaching you principles right away so that you have some things to keep in mind both during and after your sessions with us. You will experience our workout the way we feel would work best for you. You will move your whole body, likely do some sweating, and you will probably feel pretty challenged.  You will also have a great time – the most important part!

That’s so true! The workouts I experienced were so fun and such a great mix of cardio and strength but with the ease I needed to feel comfortable being a couple months postpartum. Also, my baby LOVED watching which was a great way for us both to spend the better part of an hour. Do all of your trainers show up with variations of a set workout you’ve created, or are they all unique depending on who teaches? Curious to know what “formula” you use so-to-speak in establishing these mom-targeted routines. 

I’m so glad you had a great time!  Each of our trainers has a unique flavor, so it’s really fun for us to match them with clients depending on how we think personalities will go well together.  And yes, babies love to watch us!! Moms sometimes think they need to put their new babies down for a nap in order to work out with us effectively, but we have lots of success doing the workout in front of their babies who love the music and visual stimulation.  (And we also have exercise you can do WITH your babies too!)

Our workouts generally have a set structure with specific principles and targets for the body, and I spend a lot of time discussing the principles behind why we choose to move certain ways within the method.  Beyond that, there is a lot of room for the trainer to improvise, which is a crucial part of our work. The improvisation allows the trainer to change direction immediately, and often they will need to drop any plan they might have walking into a session with a client who needs something very different in the moment. 

I came to a session once and learned that my client had just fallen down some stairs but still wanted to work out! (I don’t recommend exercising while injured, but she and I were pretty confident that we could work around what had just happened to her.) I took a very different approach in that moment than I intended and somehow managed to give her a tough workout without causing any pain.  Without the freedom of improvisation, I never would have been able to do that – phew!

Oh wow! Yes, I’m glad you both were able to make the session a success under the circumstances!

Speaking of one form of “injury” to another, what types of movements and recovery methods are you and your team focusing on when visiting a mom who has recently given birth? 

That’s a great question!  We are thinking a lot about the trauma our mom has just experienced and the individual needs they have at that time.  In other words, we want to know whether that mom needed a c-section or had a vaginal delivery, and whether there were tears, etc.  We will also check for diastasis (or a split in their abdominals, which is common), and we will assess any pelvic floor issues – plus posture issues, back pain, neck or shoulder issues, the full gamut!  Our approach moving forward will be aimed at how to build up strength the right way while accommodating any of these individual issues (and of course referring them to any specialists if we feel they need that).  

One of the most important needs for a newly postnatal mom is strengthening the connection between the rib cage, diaphragm, pelvic floor, and deep core. We talk a lot about this as a company, and we do lots of education around this with our clients.  Believe it or not, breathing properly after having a baby is the first and most crucial step to recovery. It’s the key to healing and also setting yourself up for everything that comes afterwards, from the first steps to ultimately getting back to the exercise intensity that you had before giving birth!

Here is the question I know everyone reading is thinking. SPACE! Space is an issue for so many of us New Yorker’s and inevitably becomes a question of… “But do I have the room?” What do you tell moms who don’t think their space is conducive to working out in?

Believe it or not, crowded living rooms or bedrooms are some of my favorite spaces for workouts! We honestly don’t need much space at all to give you a workout.  As long as you can put down a mat (and hopefully have at least a little space for us to put one down next to you), then we are usually all set. On top of that, I love using chairs, pillows, countertops, and beds as great ways to support the body at different levels and use different kinds of leverage and challenge. We have also had great sessions in small hotel rooms and kids’ playrooms.  Almost any space is possible!


Now to touch briefly on the global crisis we are facing together as COVID-19 touches our nation. We are living in uncertain times and small businesses of all kinds are trying to navigate ways to accommodate a world of temporary isolation. What are ways moms can keep using your services even when you or one of your awesome trainers can’t be there physically? 

Thank you so much for asking.  We are doing our best and also trying to spread the word about other businesses who can help families remotely too.

We are actually offering FaceTime sessions for both individuals and small groups. It’s becoming a really fun way for groups of friends to connect and sweat together.  And we can also really see and correct clients when we do our one-on-one sessions, even on the screen! We do workouts for whole families because – let’s face it – we all need to let off steam and find ways to have a great time together right now.  I have a family of 5 planning to work out with me later this afternoon!

We also have an On Demand video platform, which you can access from our website (  It has lots of full-length and shorter workouts, and there is a pregnancy section with both prenatal and postnatal information as well.  

Basically, we’ve got you covered right now if you really need to sweat, let off steam, and have a good time.  We all need it!

Those are great options – ones I’m personally very grateful for.

Lastly, aside from offering training sessions you also are a great force in the birthing community bringing moms together through special events and gatherings. What’s next for Body Conceptions and where else can fans (like me!) expect to see you in the near future?! 

One of my biggest passions is bringing moms together for workout and wellness experiences and educational panels.  I have been doing that in both Denver and NYC, and I also do my best to introduce our moms to lots of other great businesses and practitioners who can help them.  

Right now, we have had to delay plans in NYC for an event I am dying to tell you about and had to delay an event we had already scheduled in Denver — so please stay tuned for announcements about both of them once things start to calm down.  I think a great idea now is to recreate these experiences online. I am getting ready for a few of those offerings and will announce them soon. (I’ll make sure that you’re one of the first to hear!)  

I want to send love and good health to your community right now.  You are not alone by any stretch, and my company and I will do our best to help ease your load and feel better.  Thanks, Amelia, for giving me the chance to connect with everyone!!

Thank you, Mahri! I’m a big fan of you and your company. Thanks for supporting our community and all you do to keep moms everywhere healthy and happy!

When Your Family Needs Childcare! Meet Lindsay from Bell Family Company

I have worked with moms and families for over a decade, and without a doubt one of the most stressful experiences for them is finding new childcare.  It’s harrowing to find the right person since there are clearly so many factors involved.  Parents need to feel comfortable with that person spending lots of time with their children, and they also need to get along with them as adults.  Safety is a huge factor, and it can be difficult to get information on their new person’s history or experiences with previous families.

We don’t necessarily connect with childcare companies as a fitness business, but I realized immediately when I found out about Bell Family Company that they provided a service that’s essential to our clients.  They do lots of vetting of their providers, and I found out about them through trusted sources who had great experiences with them.  We can’t guarantee every experience of course, but I love passing on information about great people when they can potentially help (and relieve the stress of) a huge group of our clients.  

Meet Lindsay Bell below, founder of Bell Family Company – and a sweet person as well! Find out more about her company, some fun and interesting details about her personal history, and get some tips on what to look out for in a great childcare provider.  We definitely recommend using her company, and we want to hear about your experiences with childcare in general.  (DM us at @bodyconceptions on Instagram!)



Where did you grow up?
I grew up on a small farm outside of Cleveland, OH. My four sisters and I loved imaginative play; always developing towns down in our basement, making forts in the woods behind our home, setting up stores in our bedrooms selling items we crafted. We helped our mom and dad a lot with the home; picking veggies in the garden, feeding the cattle, mowing the lawn (when we were old enough), helping with laundry, etc. My parents taught us the perfect mix of responsibility and fun.

Tell us a little bit about your background and how you got into childcare.  
I am the oldest of 5 girls so babysitting and leadership have been with me since I can remember. I am the product of two educators so I also get my love for caring and teaching children from my parents. I remember pitching my parents on allowing me to babysit my little sisters when I was 12 years old, I was very convincing and they let me! While I was in high school, I continued babysitting for local families on the weekends and after school. I got my first full time summer nanny job when I was 16. I worked 8-5pm M-F and cared for 3 girls 5, 6 and 7 years old. I loved it! Since that I babysat all the time, it must have been hundreds of families over the years and all ages newborn to teenagers.

Why did you decide to start your own company?
As a teenager I religiously read Glamour Magazine; that is how I learned and became obsessed with wanting to move to NYC. It wasn’t my grand plan to start a childcare placement agency, but I guess it was always in the cards for me to care for children. In 2005 I moved to NYC without a job and started babysitting for a few families on the UES. I kept at it adding my friends to babysit when I couldn’t and the families started to tell other families about my babysitters club. In 2008, I realized I had something special with my babysitters club and licensed it.

In my experience, finding the right person to watch their children – especially in a very involved way like nanny – can be one of the most nerve-wracking experiences as a mom. What advice would you give moms on what to look for in a childcare provider? What are the qualities they should find?
Connection between child and nanny is important, but even more so the connection between nanny and parents has to be special. I always advise moms to focus on the connection vs other matters that come secondary. Its like when you are dating and want to find a good match for yourself; you want to have that connection because you are going to work alongside this person for a long time, you are going to raise children with this person, you are going to share a home with this person, etc.

Nannies that report having an excellent connection with their employer tend to stay on longer term and become part of the family.

Every family wants the same basic things in a nanny; loving, caring, nurturing, etc. No one really comes to us and says, I really want to have a great connection with my nanny!

What should parents avoid? Are there any red flags you identify when you are hiring childcare professionals?
-Nannies that don’t respond quickly; just move on. If someone is interested they get back right away.

– The families that come to us all want nannies that are legal to work in the USA.  If your family prefers this, be sure to review all documentation carefully.

-If you are a busy working parent and don’t have time to dedicate to a search, go with an agency. It’s so time consuming running a search, so if you have the means outsource it!!

There are other flags, but we have found they are on a case by case basis.  For example you may not want to judge someone that doesn’t smile right away in an interview; maybe she is nervous or maybe in her culture she is not taught to do that. When we send a profile to a family we’ll communicate our experience with her thus far and give notes to prep the family on what to expect and ask about to further get to know her.

Could you tell us a little about Bell Family Company? What can parents expect when they want to work with you? What are the kinds of services that you provide?
I think the most special thing we offer is our on-call 24/7 concierge; during off hours a family can come to us anytime with a request! It’s basically a safety net for parents. So if your nanny gets sick or you have a last minute meeting you have to go to at night, families contact us and we get them booked with a sitter.

Our agency is family owned, and ran by mothers, former nannies/sitters and educators. We provide a white glove experience; so families are not just dealing with technology, they are speaking with a member of our team, talking through questions, getting guidance on situations, etc. Our agency provides all family care services; full and part time, baby nurses/night nurses, on-demand sitters (daytime, evening, weekend), Travel Sitters, Family Helpers, you name it we do it.

What’s one of the best pieces of advice you ever received about starting and running your own company?
“Not everyone is going to like you, and you are not going to like everyone.”

“Don’t worry about being loved by others, you want to be respected by them.”

The first quote is from a friend from college and the second is from my dad. Notice they are both focused on pleasing others😊

Is there anything else I haven’t asked that you would like to share? Anything unexpected or interesting about your background?
My husband was my first investor. He and I worked together for a year to take the business to the next level. My mother was my first employee and she is still with the company. I will forever be thankful to her for all her time and devotion to Bell Family Company.  Oh last, but not least I’m the mother of two young boys!

How can families reach you?
Email me, . I’d love to hear from them! They can also call the office and speak with a member of our team 212-265-3354


More about Lindsay:
Lindsay Bell learned early on about responsibility and leadership as the eldest of five girls she grew up babysitting. After graduating from college in Ohio, Lindsay landed her first job in NYC with the Radio City Rockettes (one BIG family). She most notably executed the production of the 75th Celebration Edition of the Radio City Spectacular Book and coordinated The Rockettes in The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade all while babysitting for a handful of families on Manhattan’s Upper East Side. After three years, the babysitting became more and more demanding, and that is when she saw the opportunity and need for the business. Lindsay officially founded Lucky Lil’ Darlings in 2009, which at the time placed only on-demand evening babysitters, it was later renamed Bell Family Company in 2014 placing all family care needs. In 2013, Lindsay lead the acquisition of NY Nanny Center which merged with Bell Family. Bell Family currently with over 1,000 nannies and sitters, continues to expand and serve as a leader in the family care space. For the last 10 years Lindsay has focused on pursuing her passion for complete, trusted family care, establishing an unmatched network of reliable family care providers, interacting with America’s finest families and aligning herself with the best in family brands.

Meet Denver trainer, Shannon Cave: A true beam of light!

When I met Shannon 10 years ago, what stood out most to me was her boundless energy and joyous smile.  I had no idea that she would eventually work for us, but she was definitely someone I wanted to know and be around all the time. 

As you read her interview below, Shannon spent so many years of her life involved in dance and fitness.  She developed such a keen awareness of her own body and true appreciation for both fun and intelligent movement.  I knew very quickly when we connected again in Denver that she was someone I wanted on my team.  She began working for us as a trainer last year, and I saw such intense enthusiasm from her clients.  I knew without a doubt that I had made the smartest decision to bring her on and that she would be a friend as well for a long time!

You will see below that Shannon lives her life fully, truly appreciates the opportunities that come her way, and takes so much care in her work at all times.  She is the trainer you want by your side, thinking all the time about how to get the best out of you and how to make the experience the best and most fun it can be.  Thank you, Shannon, for coming on board!!

~ Mahri 


photography by Chelsea Chorpenning

Full name:  Shannon King Cave

Where were you born?  Bartlesville, Oklahoma

Where did you grow up?  Houston, Texas

What’s your biggest passion?  My passions are spending time with my family and friends. Staying healthy and physically fit.

photography by Chelsea Chorpenning

Tell me about your career. Have you changed directions? If so, why?  As a 40-something mother of two incredible teenagers (the hardest & most rewarding part of my career), my path has definitely meandered. Throughout the years, I have worn many different hats: actress, dancer, singer, event planner, creative director, ballet teacher, buyer, entrepreneur and business owner. The common thread throughout every stage of my life is thirst for movement and wellness. (BoCo Founder) Mahri and I met many years ago in the dance fitness community and I have always admired her passion for bringing fitness to women during all stages of their life. Working with Mahri and training under her to become a part of the Body Conceptions Team is a dream come true.

What do you wish you knew when you were younger?  Not to sweat the small stuff, to laugh at myself, to spend as much time as I could with my grandparents, and finally: to stretch!

photography by Chelsea Chorpenning

What’s your fitness fashion style?  Lululemon Align pants. I have extra long legs and the 28” length fit amazing. I have them in every pattern and color. They are like second skin and super comfortable.

What’s the best piece of health/wellness/dance
advice you’ve ever gotten?  My mom always told me to never leave the house without lipstick on and that has stuck with me my entire life. (My color is Raisin by Bobbie Brown). Along the way others have turned me on to dry brush, salt baths & cryotherapy.

What’s your guiltiest pleasure?  There are two…Reposado Tequila (I enjoy it over a big rock with a grapefruit slice) and mint chocolate chip ice cream.

What quality do you really cherish about yourself?  Fierce loyalty.

What’s something most people don’t know about you (that’s maybe a little funny or weird)?  Gum freaks me out; I have never ever chewed a piece. I think I have a phobia.

photography by Chelsea Chorpenning

Meet Ceci Whyel, our extraordinary (and first!) Denver trainer

Expanding my business to Denver from NYC was a daunting process.  I didn’t know how the fitness scene worked yet, and I didn’t have the connection with the dance community I had developed in New York through which to meet and hire trainers.  However, Ceci came highly recommended to me from a trusted source, and I know she needed to be my first trainer the minute I met her!
One of the first things you notice about Ceci is her confidence, intelligence, and warm energy.  She is such a grounded and knowledgeable fitness professional, and she is extremely willing to learn and grow in the industry.  Ceci also happens to be an aerialist, a beautiful dancer, a choreographer — and a singer,  I just learned from her interview below!  The list of her talents go on and on!
Those who train with Ceci rave about her knowledge and care in her workouts, and she’s also very challenging.  If you have a chance to work with her, you are definitely lucky!  Check out her interview below.  I am truly grateful to have set up my business the right way here in Denver and I thank Ceci for helping make that possible.  
Full name: Cecilia Potter Whyel
Where were you born?  Concord, MA
Where did you grow up?  Acton, MA

photography by Chelsea Chorpenning

What’s your biggest passion? DANCE! I am a contemporary/modern dancer and aerialist. I teach, perform, and choreograph in the Greater Denver Area. 
Tell me about your career. Have you changed directions? If so, why? I went to Elon University and graduated with a BA in Theatre and a dance minor. I absolutely loved my instructors at Elon and decided to pursue dance as a career. I picked up my life in North Carolina and headed to the University of Oregon to get my MFA. After my first year, I decided that I wanted to jump into professional performance. I felt extremely conflicted on where to head next– I love the outdoors so NYC and LA did not seem to be a good fit. My boyfriend at the time (now my husband) had an internship in Denver and I fell in CO during my first visit. Once more I moved across the country and settled in Boulder. The dance scene in Boulder introduced me to several different performance companies and the world of fitness. The rest is history! 
What do you wish you knew when you were younger? Nothing ever goes the way you plan it, so you might as well enjoy the ride. 

photography by Chelsea Chorpenning

What’s your fitness fashion style?  Capri leggings (I’m insanely short so they fit me about ankle length) and a crop top. I have SO many crop tops! 
What’s the best piece of health/wellness/dance advice you’ve ever gotten? Develop anatomical integrity. Every body is unique like a snowflake. When you get to know the intricacies of your physical structure and how fully you can move, the possibilities are endless. 
What’s your guiltiest pleasure? I am a secret (or maybe not so secret) nerd. I love fantasy and adventure genres (think LOTR, Star Wars, GOT, anything Marvel–you name it). 

photography by Chelsea Chorpenning

What quality do you really cherish about yourself? I am very honest (New England girl at heart) and always my most authentic self. 
What’s something most people don’t know about you (that’s maybe a little funny or weird)?  I was a classical vocalist for over 15 years. 
Anything else about you that I missed?  When I am not dancing, I am most likely hiking, camping, or whitewater rafting in the mountains. 

photography by Chelsea Chorpenning

Why are women abandoned after they have babies??

Why are women abandoned after they have babies??

The question we ask every day and the reason we created a special gift for new moms


I have been asked many times why I decided to start my own company.  Frankly, I had never considered doing something like that for most of my life.  However, my early experiences in the fitness industry watching women struggle with fitness in the times that mattered the most were incredibly impactful to me.  Pregnant women in fitness classes around me had no idea how to modify their workouts appropriately. And frankly, many of us working in studios had no idea how to really help them.  (Even when we knew general principles, each individual woman was a mystery to us — after all every pregnancy is SO different!)  

And perhaps most mysterious to all of us was the time after birth.  

“You’re cleared!”

After having babies, women around me in my first studios were jumping right into their old fitness routines and experiencing so many problems — Peeing when they jumped for the first time (and for YEARS afterwards!), experiencing deep pelvic pain, developing a “mom pooch” that never went away and accompanied years of back problems and hernias, and even needing pelvic and abdominal surgery.  And so many of them had been told that they were “cleared” for exercise without careful instructions on how to approach fitness in ways that may have mitigated some of these problems.

I watched in these early years with so much frustration and empathy for these women  – and perhaps with worry about my own future journey. There seemed to be so little specific guidance for women at a time that can feel so lonely and scary all the way around.  

I knew at that moment in my fitness career that I needed to take charge and find out how to be a better resource.  Even as I created my own company 8 years ago and put pre- and postnatal fitness at the forefront of our mission, I had no idea how immersed we would become in this world — and how much information over the course of so many years we would need to gather from fitness experts and also from physical therapists, nutritionists, body workers, and psychologists to get the full picture of pregnancy and beyond.  And honestly, we are still learning.


Postnatal Life

I got a call out of the blue from Jennie Monness — superstar mom, founder of Mo Mommies and co-founder of Union Square Play if you haven’t heard of her already!  Jennie suggested that we consider offering a special session for recently new moms that people can give as a gift. Registries provide great ways to supply moms with the items they need for their babies, but a new mom is also so needy of help.  Why not create something that’s designed specifically to help support her physical recovery and also help her gain confidence and strength as she navigates her new life?

Why exercise?

To be honest, starting an exercise routine might feel like the lowest item on the list for a new mom.  She has so many other things to think about, and seriously — where is the time??

Exercising has proven to offer so many incredible benefits, and it’s one of the primary indicators of happiness according to recent reviews of research on correlations between mood and activity level.  For new moms, these benefits can be especially powerful. Exercise can increase energy levels that otherwise suffer from sleep deprivation. It also helps balance post-pregnancy hormones and can give moms more physical strength to prevent common injuries that occur from picking up, carrying, and feeding a baby for hours on end.  Exercise can help combat anxiety and depression. And even if it’s accomplished in small increments throughout the day, it can give new moms precious moments of time to focus on herself.

Our New Mom Workout Gift!

Coming out of our conversations with Jennie, we decided to create our New Mom Workout session!    For an in-person experience, we worked with our trainers to provide in-home sessions in Denver and NYC for only $85.  Don’t live in these areas?  No problem!  Virtual training is just as effective, and it only costs $65!  Whether virtual or in-person, this experience gives new mom the chance to try 45 minutes of our Body Conceptions workout and also learn some of the basic building blocks for proper postnatal recovery.  

Here is what’s included:

• Initial conversation/consultation by phone or email
• Diastasis check or guided self-check
• 45-minute postnatal-safe workout in the Body Conceptions method
• Core and breathwork designed for healing and postnatal conditioning 

If you are interested in buying one of these workouts for a new mom in your life, go to this link.  It will provide you more information as well as a portal to connect with us for next steps:

We are so honored to be involved in the recovery process for new moms, and this offering is a great way to show a new mom how much you understand her need for support.  


Coming full circle, I look back these days on my early connections to pre- and postnatal fitness.  It feels so heartening to be part of a solution for women that arms them with knowledge and provides a workout experience that is both challenging and profoundly healing.  Accomplishing this has always been a life goal and certainly one of the biggest reasons having this business continues to give me satisfaction every day. I look forward to helping more moms and also giving you the chance to be part of this process as well.

~ Mahri

Welcome to our new instructor, Piera Calabro!

You might think that Piera is fabulous from afar (and she IS), but her extra-special spark is evident the minute she begins speaking. Her energy is full of sunshine and infectious spirit that makes you NEED to stick around for more. She is such special ball of light, and we are incredible lucky to have her on our team.

Piera comes to us with a great background in fitness as well as dance and the performing arts. Her command of a space when she instructs is amazing, and you can’t help but laugh and have the best time with her while working to your limit. She also has a deep interest in women’s health that matches our mission.

Please read more about Piera in her interview below. (I personally share her obsession with ice cream and skincare regimens lol). And let us know if you want to meet and train with her. You will have a blast!



Full name:
Piera Calabro

Where were you born?
Born and raised in Melbourne, Australia

What’s your biggest passion?
Musical Theatre – whether it be performing in a show or attending one. In what other medium can you break out into song and dance when emotions have reached their pinnacle?

Tell me about your career. Have you changed directions? If so, why?
Initially, New York’s fitness industry intimidated me. I knew that I wanted to teach but didn’t know what studio would suit my personality. Luckily, I found Chaise Fitness and became certified as a group fitness instructor there. Pre and post natal fitness is an area of the industry I had always been interested in. I think it’s an incredibly delicate time for women and that attentive care and consideration should be taken to one’s health and well being. Finding Body Conceptions and hearing about Mahri’s ethos was like a breath of fresh air in the over-saturated machine that is fitness today. Our conscious approach to training clients allows for relationships that are built on longevity, compassion and honesty.  

What do you wish you knew when you were younger?
That being gay is ok!

What’s your fitness fashion style?
Anything Athleta

What’s the best piece of health/wellness/dance advice you’ve ever gotten?
Commit to a skin care regime both day and night from my mum!

What’s your guiltiest pleasure?

What quality do you really cherish about yourself?
My genuine care for others

What’s something most people don’t know about you (that’s maybe a little funny or weird)?
I am terrified of birds.

New Instructor Spotlight – Welcome Kate Havlicek!

The minute I met Kate Havlicek, I knew we needed to work with her! Kate has a confidence and a sweet and grounded radiance that makes you immediately feel comfortable around her. Already a seasoned instructor, she brings incredible authority to her teaching that’s rare in those who first start working with us. She is simultaneously humble and kind while also inspiring in her training style. In short — FABULOUS!!

I learned a lot of fun and new things about Kate in this interview, and I hope you enjoy getting to know her as well. For those of you who have the pleasure of working with her privately, you are lucky!!

~ Mahri

Full name: Catherine Ryan Havlicek (but I have always gone by Kate and I spell it with a K and Catherine with a C!)

Where were you born: Huntington, Long Island

Where did you grow up: I grew up in the town of East Hampton on the very east end of Long Island.

Biggest passion: Dance, movement, and fitness have always been some of my biggest passions. Moving my body in any way brings me the most joy, however I also have a deep love for film and am a huge movie buff!

Career: I worked for lululemon for many years, but also taught dance at the studio I went to growing up, while also teaching other fitness classes like barre and Zumba back in the day! My career has definitely become more centered around fitness as the years have gone on, and I am excited to be acquiring more knowledge about all aspects of fitness and personal training.

What do you wish you knew when you were younger: You do not have to live up to anyone’s expectations other than your own. There is no set path in life, or right or wrong way to live your life.

What’s your fashion fitness style: Pretty much always in mostly black, sleek mesh patterns on leggings, and fun crop tops. Love Michi, Alo Yoga, lululemon, and APL for sneakers!

Best health/wellness/dance advice: For wellness, definitely just to take care of yourself and make yourself a priority – love your body and acknowledge it for all that it is capable of. For dance, if you mess up the choreography, make it a solo!

Guiltiest pleasure: Binging 70’s & 80’s horror movies – they don’t even have to be that good. I just love them.

Quality you cherish about yourself: Being someone people often come to to talk to or open up to. I love being someone who can support other people, because I know I am so appreciative of the people in my life who I can turn to when I am in need.

Something people don’t know about you: I have an obsession with Quentin Tarantino and I have seen Inglourious Basterds more times than I could possibly count. I also do a pretty fantastic Velociraptor impression.

Getting to know Carlyn Rosenblum – an expert in Perinatal Nutrition

In our preconception, prenatal, and postpartum fitness work with women, we have repeatedly found that our clients lack information, are often misinformed, and can experience lots of fear – and it’s our honor to help them exercise and navigate the many physical challenges they experience.  In terms of diet and nutrition, we have fielded numerous questions from our clients who feel lost.  Where do they turn??

We have met a fabulous dietician in NYC who specializes in these life transitions, and we are thrilled to connect her with our community!  Carlyn Rosenblum, an experienced dietitian with specialized knowledge in perinatal nutrition, founded MTHR Nutrition specifically focused on nutrition and wellness during these critical periods.  When we got to know Carlyn, we immediately knew that her work complemented ours and needed to be shared!

Enjoy this fascinating interview with Carlyn, and contact her directly if you need her excellent services!

~ Mahri


1) Your name, and where you are from:

Carlyn Rosenblum MS, RD, CLC

New York City + San Francisco

2) Tell us about your business and what you provide:

MTHR Nutrition offers concierge nutrition + wellness services for women and families during pre-conception, pregnancy and postpartum. We provide custom counseling as well as other concierge wellness services (grocery store tours, pantry clean outs, cooking classes, meal prep, etc).

3) What made you decide to move in this direction as a business? Could you talk a little bit about your journey getting here?

Through my training as a dietitian I learned that the perinatal period was a critical time for nutrition, both in achieving a healthy pregnancy, but also in impacting the future health of the child (and even the child’s child). However, I quickly discovered that this area of nutrition was not getting the attention it deserved. There was also a world of misinformation, creating confusion, stress and frustration for many women wanting to do right for their body and baby. 

I have always felt that if you can help change the health and nutrition of a mother, you can help change the health and nutrition of her entire family. From an intervention standpoint being able to foster health promotion and chronic disease prevention simply by building a healthy environment in-utero is extremely powerful, yet for many women despite good intentions it does not always happen. 

I wanted to build a business that could support women during this important time for nutrition by providing reliable, evidence-based information and guidance so that they could focus on the joy and beauty of pregnancy. 

4) What are a few of the nutrition challenges women face during and after pregnancy? 

For many women, pregnancy often represents a departure from one’s “normal” eating habits. Body and hormonal changes, food symptoms, and aversions can all complicate one’s ability to maintain a healthy diet. During pregnancy I work with my clients to help increase the nutrient density of their meals and fit nutrition into their “new normal”. The postpartum period is uniquely challenging, especially because of societal pressures on new moms to immediately return to their pre-pregnancy body instead of allowing the body to properly heal. 

5) You also help women navigate fertility. Of the many things you tell women, do you have 3 tips you might suggest to help women think about supporting fertility with their food choices?

  • Quit sugar! In my opinion sugar is the #1 fertility sabotaging food. ALL sugar, even natural sugars can wreak hormonal havoc so it is important to be conscious of even healthy sugar like fruit and limit it to 1 serving at a time, and no more than 3 servings in a day ( FYI 1 serving is only 1/2 a cup).
  • Don’t be afraid of fats: Fats are essential for healthy hormone production and maintaining blood sugar balance, so if you are trying to get pregnant you want to make sure you are including enough in your diet. Swap fat-free products (especially dairy) for their full fat alternatives. That being said, not all fat is created equal! Focus on Omega-3s (Wild Salmon, Chia Seeds, Hemp Seeds and Walnuts) and unprocessed monounsaturated fats (Olive Oil, Avocado and Almonds). 
  • Eat more plants: Research shows that women who consume more plant-based proteins have improved fertility. I like to have my clients consume at least one plant-based meal per day and focus on consuming eggs and fish over other animal-based proteins. 

6) We truly believe that fitness does not exist in a vacuum (especially during pregnancy!) and look for knowledgeable practitioners to refer our clients when they need support in other areas like nutrition. How could we as trainers help YOU do your job better with our clients? How might we work together?

I definitely believe in a holistic approach to wellness. As trainers, you can encourage your clients to seek nutrition support from a licensed registered dietitian such as myself who can compliment their training. There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to nutrition and fitness. Every body is different.  What works for one person may not work for another, and nutrition and exercise need to reflect those differences. Working closely together to create a personalized nutrition and fitness plan can provide clients with the best outcomes. 

7) What do you love the most about your work?

From a very young age, I knew I wanted my work to serve something beyond just myself. No amount of money in the world would bring me the same amount of joy as when a client tells me how much I have helped them to finally feel healthy and happy in their body so they can get pregnant, have a healthy pregnancy, or feel good about how they feed their family. 

8) How can our clients contact you and use your services?

They can reach out to me directly via email at  or visit my website to book a discovery call. 


Carlyn believes that feeling your best starts with good nutrition—but also involves how you think, live and show up for yourself physically and emotionally. Many women today feel out of sync with their bodies—especially when it comes to pregnancy. Carlyn works to help you uncover the hidden obstacles keeping you from feeling your best and teaches you how to listen and honor your body by focusing on what healthy means to you. Carlyn is a registered dietitian, with a Master’s Degree in Nutrition from NYU. She also obtained her CLC certification from the Healthy Children’s Project. Carlyn is the Founder and CEO of MTHR Nutrition a concierge nutrition counseling service for women. Carlyn dedicates her work to supporting women during the  preconception, prenatal and postpartum periods, which represent an important yet complex time for nutrition. Carlyn takes a science-based, personalized approach to health. She believes that everyone is different, and nutrition should also take into account those differences.

Prenatal chiropractic can be a life-saver! Meet Denver’s expert, Dr. Lauren Love

As I began expanding and meeting people in Denver, I felt especially lucky to get to know the women of Fertile Ground Wellness Center.  Fertile Ground is a “compassionate integrative” health care center that provides women and families with thoughtful treatment across a wide range of health care concerns.  I was especially impressed with Dr.  Lauren Love, an incredibly skilled chiropractor who’s known for her house calls, expertise in prenatal treatment, and her work with infants and children.

I have found that prenatal chiropractic can sound scary to women who aren’t familiar with the practice.  And there can be lots of fear surrounding chiropractic in general.  Through my experience getting treated by Dr. Love,  I quickly realized how grounded, intelligent, and skilled she was.  And I felt like she would be the right person to help others understand how her work could be so beneficial.

Enjoy getting to know Dr. Love, and feel free to reach out to her if you live in the Denver area.  She’s in high demand — but you may be lucky to grab an appointment!

~ Mahri


Your name, and where you are from:

Hi everyone! I am Dr. Lauren Love and I am originally from Fort Lauderdale, Florida but moved to Denver, Colorado 3 years ago with my husband.

Can you tell us a little bit about your background?  What exactly do you do?

I am a second generation chiropractor who grew with up with both parents being chiropractors. My upbringing very much revolved around the “chiropractic lifestyle” which meant receiving regular chiropractic adjustments and following a holistic way of life. 

I decided to become a chiropractor after finishing high school and went to Florida State University where I received my Bachelors in Exercise Science. After finishing my undergrad, I went to Logan Chiropractic College in St. Louis, Missouri and graduated with honors and my Doctorate in Chiropractic (D.C.).  I now dedicate my practice to care for pregnant women, infants and kids in Denver, CO. What’s unique about my practice is a I am house call chiropractor, which means I bring my care to my patients homes for ultimate convenience and high quality care.


This a big question – but what is chiropractic?  Is there a philosophy behind why someone might want to seek chiropractic care? 

Chiropractic is a form of alternative medicine which involves diagnosis and treatment or “adjustments” of spinal misalignments. The philosophy of chiropractic focuses on body’s innate ability to heal itself and how the structure of the spine affects the function of the nervous system.

When and if our spine becomes misaligned, the increased stress on the spine can lead to irritation of the spinal nerves. Spinal nerves ensure proper communication from our brain to our bodies’ cells, tissues, organs and organ systems. Therefore, if the spine is misaligned this can ultimately have an effect on our nervous system and how well our brain and body communicates and functions overall.

Someone might want to seek out chiropractic care if they are looking for a natural and holistic way to ensure their bodies are performing at optimum. Another reason patient seek out chiropractic care is for natural pain relief. When our spines are under increased stress, misalignment can occur, often leading to uncomfortable symptoms like lower back pain, neck pain and tension.

We have a huge pregnant clientele.  What are the primary reasons pregnant clients seek your services?  What are the biggest benefits you see from your prenatal adjustments?

Many women are realizing the benefits of regular chiropractic care for a healthier and more comfortable pregnancy and as they prepare for safer and easier birth. Pregnancy is the one time in a woman’s life where hormonal and structural changes can lead to dysfunction and imbalance in the body which is completely normal. As the belly grows and hormones increases relaxation of pelvic ligaments, the body’s center of gravity shifts forward leading to imbalances in the pelvis and even the uterus.   

Women often seek out my care for help with: 
– Lower back pain
– Pelvic or pubic bone pain
– Optimal fetal positioning
– Upper back tension
– Rib pain
– Heartburn

Women under regular chiropractic care during pregnancy often benefit from less discomfort, increased relaxation, decreased tension, and faster and easier labor and delivery with less need for medical interventions! Studies show chiropractic care can decrease labor and delivery times in 1st time moms by 24% and in second and third time moms by 31%.

 When during pregnancy do you think chiropractic might be a better choice than another form of bodywork?  On the flip side, is there any time when you would not recommend chiropractic — e.g., any specific conditions or period in pregnancy?

I am an advocate of chiropractors being a part of the pregnancy health team. I work with many other birth workers in my community including: acupuncturist, massage therapist, physical therapist, doulas, midwives, and OB GYNs to ensure my patients receive the most comprehensive care. That being said each one of these health professionals has their own expertise so if a pregnant women’s concerns involves the spine and/or musculoskeletal systems that is the chiropractor’s expertise! 

Chiropractic care is safe from preconception up until labor and delivery and can even be very helpful postpartum. Since I work hand in hand with other health professionals if a condition which could possibly put mom at increased risk arises I will make to refer her to the right person so she receives the attention and care she needs. 

How do you respond to clients who are nervous about the concept of someone doing spinal adjustment during pregnancy? 

Chiropractic care during pregnancy is extremely safe, gentle and effective. Patients will often voice their concerns to me during our phone consultation or first visit and I do my best to educate them on how gentle the chiropractic adjustment is and how it works to help them achieve their pregnancy goals. I also assure them that I have studied and trained to treat pregnant patients more than the average chiropractor and have been certified in Webster Technique which is a specific chiropractic technique for the pregnant patient. 

What do you love the most about your work?

I love educating my patients about the changes that occur to their bodies and choices they have during pregnancy, labor and delivery and helping them experience a more comfortable and healthy pregnancy experience. 

How can I contact you and use your services?

I offer free phone consultations for all new patients where we can discuss concerns, review health goals and find out how chiropractic can help them during pregnancy, postpartum or with their growing families. 

I can also be reached by phone (303)-720-6911 or email (), and check out my website at

I travel to my patients homes for house call visits in the Denver metro area and surrounding neighborhoods Tuesday through Friday. I also work at Fertile Ground Wellness Center in Greenwood Village for in-office visits on Mondays. 



As a second generation chiropractor, Dr. Lauren had dedicated her practice to caring for growing families so they too can benefit from healthier and fuller lives with chiropractic care. Dr. Lauren focuses on pre and postal chiropractic care and practices various gentle chiropractic techniques, including The Webster Technique. These gentle, safe and effective techniques allow her to provide specialized care for the changing spine and pelvis during pregnancy. Dr. Lauren’s passion is helping women achieve more comfortable pregnancies as well as shorter and easier labor and delivery. Dr. Lauren also understand how sometimes its hard to find time for self-care in our busy lifestyles and that is why she started her business of bringing chiropractic into the home. Chiropractic house calls are a convenient healthy solution that allow you to receive the care you deserve without the hassle or added stress!

Our new instructor, Emily McElwain, is a beam of light!

Emily is the kind of person who lights up a room the minute she enters.  She has such an enthusiastic and sweet energy, which makes working out with her such a fun experience.  

I saw this energy in Emily at our audition, and it has continued to grow as we’ve gotten to know her.  Her transparency as a person has also been extremely refreshing — and so hard to find!  I am excited to have found Emily and look forward to introducing her to you.  Read more about here (and her Louis Armstrong impersonation!), and be sure to take her class this Sunday, April 29th. Even as you drip with sweat, she will keep you smiling!!

~ Mahri

Full name:  Emily Claire McElwain 

Where did you grow up?  Sioux City, Iowa (Northwest Iowa) in a beautiful home just on the outskirts of the city. 

What’s your biggest passion?  

My biggest passion is dancing & spending time with my loved ones! I’m also very passionate about seeing the world, experiencing new things, and spending time in the sun at the beach.  

Tell me about your career. Have you changed directions? If so, why?

I am a professional dancer in NYC, so my career has taken many-a shifts in the last year and a half. I began in the city with the hopes to join a modern/contemporary dance company and that led me to finding multiple survival jobs that weren’t worth my time and energy. I lost hope and interest in that pursuit, until, I found an incredible mentor who sparked a fire in my contemporary training. This training has become more for my own self enjoyment/fulfillment than any financial or success driven needs. Recently I’ve taken great interest in musical theatre! In the last few months I performed in the musical Grease at the Palace Theatre and I’ve found jobs to support these musical theatre dreams that are exciting and fulfilling. I am a dance and yoga teacher for youth programs in the city and I’m finding a great appreciation for health and fitness. Entering the world of fitness has been a new and exciting experience for me and I’m very inspired by the BoCo team in many ways. I know these fitness/health interests will develop into an even greater love and passion with time and cultivation! 

What do you wish you knew when you were younger?

As a child I wish I had practiced yoga and realized how much I love avocados! 

What’s your fitness fashion style?

I am all about comfort! I love a good print legging with a comfortable flowing top. Athleta is one of my favorite spots to find a cute and comfortable workout outfit. But, I’m also all about thrifting and finding a great deal!  

What’s the best piece of health/wellness/dance advice you’ve ever gotten?

Don’t waste your time doing anything you don’t love. 

Always be fully present in what you do. 

Full out or get out!

What’s your guiltiest pleasure?

LOVE sweets so very much. I could eat a pound of chocolate a day! 

What quality do you really cherish about yourself?

I am a very positive person and I really love making people smile.

What’s something most people don’t know about you (that’s maybe a little funny or weird)?

My little secret talent is my Louis Armstrong impersonation. As a child I grew up on 50’s & 60’s music and movies and fell in love with Louis and his incredible, unique and soulful voice.